Accounting reports

Old Chart of accounts view is hidden

In this version, we have hidden the old view Chart of accounts (Administration > Information about the accounting > Chart of accounts) from the menu.

In connection with this, we have updated the name of the Chart of accounts (new) view by removing the suffix "(new)" from it, as the newer version is now the only view available in the menu.


Time period now visible on accounting report exports

We have added a time period to the exported reports from Accounting reports > Income statement / Balance sheet, if the report type is Opening balance, change and closing balance OR Opening balance, debit, credit and closing balance. The time period now shows the dates from which the report is searched, even if the user has selected the option “Hide search options in exports".


Unified language settings on accounting reports

Previously, the General Journal or General Ledger (Reports > Accounting reports) did not have the search criterion "Report language", but this can now be selected which enables these reports to now be shown in both Swedish and English.

Default language is according to "Company's language" (Management > Company info > Basic info).