Version 46.0 of Procountor was published on Saturday, December 19th.

Read more about the changes below.


In December's version update we are releasing 2021-specific salary type changes. New salary types can be used right away after the release, since it is already possible to calculate salaries for year 2021. We will also release a function that enables validation of e-invoices to be sent by the EN16931 standard.
In addition, we are releasing changes to payments functions and usability improvements to navigation in Procountor and to car and accommodation benefit calculators.
  1. Year-end-changes and salary type changes
  2. Validation by EN16931-standard on e-invoices
  3. Payments in Procountor
  4. Usability improvements





  • We have changed the way Procountor works to allow creating salary lists in 2020 for the year 2021. We enabled salary calculation for year 2021 in the hotfix update during version 45.
  • Calculating salaries for 2021 requires that the salary base of each employee is updated and the employer contribution percentages are reviewed.
  • Salary bases can be updated and the employer contribution percentages for 2021 are available from December 14, 2020 onwards.

Salary type changes

  • Changes made in the Incomes register income types affect some of the salary types in Procountor. The 2021-specific salary type changes will be updated to Procountor in the v46 update on December 19, 2020. 
  • After the update, the new salary types may be used on salary slips created for 2021.
  • Due to these changes in the incomes register income types, we have changed the names of some of the salary types, added new salary types, removed some salary types, and changed the mappings of salary types to income types. 
  • In addition, there will be changes in handling the existing salary type 6010 Employee's health insurance contribution.

Further information

Further information can be found from the links below. Please read the detailed instructions before calculating the salaries for year 2021.


  • Before version release in December, we have transferred most of the OpusCapitas e-invoice sending addresses from ECXML format to Finvoice 3.0 format. 
  • In version release 46.0.0 we have added an option for validating the e-invoices by EN16931-standard when sending the invoices in Finvoice 3.0 format.
  • The validation can be enabled in Invoice settings view (Management > Company info > Invoice settings).
  • If the validation is enabled, company should be in the VAT register and Company ID must have FI selected as VAT identifier. This can be defined in Company's basic info view (Management > Company info > Basic info).


Foreign payments

  • The distribution of service charge can be selected for all foreign payments, including those made in euros.
  • The options are The payer and beneficiary both pay their own banking fees and The payer pays both their own and beneficiary's banking fees.


  • In the release 46.0.0 we are adding length validations to address information fields when paying invoices and direct bank transfers as foreign payments. Too long values in the fields cause an error message when trying to make the payment.
  • The validations are the following:
      • Message (max 140 characters)
      • Recipient’s Name (80 max)
      • Recipient Street Address (80 max)
      • Recipient Postal Code (20 max)
      • Recipient City (40 max)
      • Receiver Name (80 max)
      • Receiver Street Address (80 max)
      • Receiver Postal Code (20 max)
      • Receiver City (40 max)
      • Intermediary Name (80 max)
      • Intermediary Street Address (80 max)
      • Intermediary Postal Code (20 max)
      • Intermediary City (40 max)

Payments from Osuuspankki's bank accounts

  • It is not possible to make payments from Osuuspankki's bank accounts if the recipients bank account number exceeds 30 characters.
  • In these kind of situations some other bank's account should be used for paying, or the payment should be made from Osuuspankki's net bank. 


Shortcut keys to accounting tab on Bank statements and reference payments view

  • In the last release (v45) a new accounting tab was added to Bank statements and reference payments view. Now in the release 46.0.0 we are adding the shortcut keys to the tab in order to improve the usability of the accounting tab.
  • The shortcut keys can be viewed by pressing Ctrl on computer's keyboard while being on Bank statements and reference payments view.
  • The shortcut keys can be used when the accounting tab is opened.
  • Further information about the accounting tab can be found here.

Car and accommodation benefit calculators 

  • We have clarified the views of the calculators by adding texts and changing the names of buttons and columns.

Certificate view

  • The Incomes register certificate that is used for sending reports and notifications to Incomes register and Tax Administration must be renewed every two years.
  • After November's version release the certificate can be renewed on the Certificate view without selecting the certificate to be renewed in Personal info and settings view. 
  • Further info about renewing the certificate can be found from Procountor's online manual.

Changes in default postings

  • From the version release 46.0.0 on, the default credit account for salary type 2234 Additional leave day compensation will be account 2880.

Editing the insurance deduction percentages on salary list

  • When modifying the insurance deduction percentages on the salary list creation view, the percentages are transferred to the salary slips.
  • It should be noticed that changes are transferred to to the salary slips of this particular salary list, but the changes are not carried over to the Employee register's salary info or to the Salaries basic info.